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Tags:Website KUFIETAFrom 16th to 20th of September 2014 on the fairgrounds of FRANKFURT International Fair AUTOMECHANIKA will be held. KUFIETA is going to take part in this fair as one of the exhibitors. Therefore we invite you to visit our exhibition stand, which will be placed in hall 4.0 E41 Interview with Olaf Musshoff, Director Automechanika [...]
Pinned: 17 Apr 2014Wesołych Świąt
Pinned: 19 Dec 2013The only thing we love more than summer is summer BBQ & we found a must-have Three-In-One Barbecue Tool...
Pinned: 2 Sep 2013.:.
Pinned: 2 Sep 2013Najczęstsze pytanie pod blokiem po nocy -20 st. C. Czy ma Pan kable?
Pinned: 2 Sep 2013Skrobak dla zmarzluchów z ciepłym polarkiem. W sam raz na prezent dla żony.
Pinned: 2 Sep 2013Zmiotko-skrobak - pełni dwie funkcje. Można nim zeskrobywać lód i zmiatać śnieg :-)
Pinned: 2 Sep 2013